Level 8 – the Platinum Award – is the pinnacle of the ILSP scheme combining survival and rescue skills with advanced swimming skills, water polo and synchronised swimming.

Learning Outcomes

  • Swim 400 metres wearing a T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweatshirt, and long trousers or tracksuit bottoms, tread water for 3 minutes waving one arm to attract attention and 2 minutes normally. Collect a buoyancy aid and show the HELP position for 2 minutes and the Huddle position for 3 minutes, swim 200 metres with the aid within 5 minutes and climb out unassisted
  • Perform a feet-first surface dive wearing T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweatshirt, and long trousers or tracksuit bottoms, swim 10 metres underwater
  • Perform a head-first surface dive wearing T-shirt, long sleeved jumper or sweatshirt, and long trousers or tracksuit bottoms, swim 10 metres underwater
  • Swim 100 metres in 75 seconds
  • Swim 4 x 50 metres of individual medley within 4 minutes with correct turns and finishes
  • Perform a competitive front start that is legal for the depth of water and show a smooth transition into a 100-metre swim
  • Perform a competitive back start and show a smooth transition into a 100-metre swim
  • Swim 25 metres using an eggbeater leg action
  • Tread water while passing and receiving a ball with a partner or group, keeping the ball above the water continuously for 3 minutes
  • Synchronise with 2 other swimmers and perform a safe entry, submerge, swim 5 metres of underwater breaststroke, resurface by rotating backwards into a back layout, perform a back somersault finishing in a tub, rotate 360° and hold for 10 seconds, perform a bent knee to ballet leg hold for 5 seconds return to bent knee and back layout, torpedo scull for 5 metres

Learners may work towards the 800 metre and 1000 metre Distance awards.

All information can also be found on the STA website.

STAnly First Steps Series
Goldfish Series
Angelfish Series
Shark Series
Advanced Swimmer Series
Platinum Award
Distance Series

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